Being graduated from the Department of Psychology, Yeditepe University, Psychologist Ceylan Şengül completed her Master’s Degree at the Department of Clinical Psychology, Üsküdar University.
She particularly deals with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in children and adults, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Addictions, Mood Disorders, Gender Identity Disorder, Divorcer, Separation, Moving, Coping With Severe, Acute or Chronic Diseases.
I specialize in monitoring child development (0-6 years) and treating issues such as developmental problems, aggressive behaviors, eating disorders, depression, social phobia, panic attack, addictions, mourning, psychosomatic complaints, sleep problems, school-related problems, traumas, life events, sibling rivalry, lack of self confidence, mood disorders, gender identity disorder, urinary incontinence, and body dysmorphic disorder.