Mesut Sabri Tezer
- Specialization: Facial plastic surgeon
- 20 years of experience
- Speaks:English
- Workplace: Turkey, Istanbul, Hospital XP
Doctor's services
- Neck lift
- Neck liposuction
- Facelift
- Mini Facelift
- Ear lift surgery
- Breast lift
- Forehead lift
- Brow lift
- Thigh lift
- Lip lift
How are we doing?
European Board Certified Facial Plastic
Surgeon (Facial Plastic Surgery "Certified
by International Board (Europe)")
I have graduated from Hacettepe
University in 1995. I have completed my
ENT specialty education in Istanbul
University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine
in 1999. In 2012 (Written), I took the
(Washington) American Facial Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery Board (Proficiency)
exam (Oral) in 2013 in London and obtained
the International and European
Competency Certificate for Facial Plastic
Surgery. I am one of the 5 people who
earned this document in Turkey. I became
an associate professor in 2007 and an ENT
professor in 2013.
During this period, I focused my studies on nose and sinus surgery and facial
plastic surgery, cancer surgery and migraine surgery which are my special
interests. I worked with One of the founders of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery,
Prof Dr Heinz Stammberger (2001) Austri Graz University. I have attended
courses and congresses in all around the World in those areas. Also I have
given lectures in congresses about facial plastic surgery and rhinoplasty . In
2012 and 2013, I worked with Dr. Vito C. Quatela in Quatela Plastic Surgery
Clinic(United States of America Rochester; New York). In 2013, I earned the
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery expertise given by the Ministry of Health. I
worked as a full-time lecturer in Mersin University ENT Department. In 2018, I
have received the title of Professor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the
second time. As of 2018, while continuing my academic career as the Head
of the Department of Oral, Maxillofacial and Maxillofacial Surgery at Istanbul
University Faculty of Medicine, I have been accepting my patients at Istanbul
University Hospital with the title of Professor in 3 different medical specialties
and 2 different departments.
I have performed tens of thousands of facial plastic surgery operations on
nose, head and neck and ear areas and I have my own treatment techniques
in migraine surgery and rhinoplasty surgery. I have also so many experience
in revision rhinoplasty
Administrative Missions
Vice President of Konya Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Society
Chief of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery ,Konya Education and
Research Hospital,2008-2012
Chief of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery ,Mersin Univercity ENT
Department Hospital,2013-2016
Chief of Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery, İstanbul Univercity Oral and Maxillo
Facial Surgery Department ,2018-
Scientific Society Memberships
European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgey (full member)
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Society (Turkish)
Rhinology Society (Turkish)
Facial Plastic Surgery Society (Turkish)
International visitings
Observer : Graz University Hospital ENT Clinic (Prof Dr H. Stammberger)-
Austria 2001
Course : Jean Causse Ear Clinic – FRANCE 2010
Course : Graz University Hospital ENT Clinic (Prof Dr H. Stammberger)-
Austria 2001
Course : Brüksel- Köln Univercity FESS Course 2000
Course : Köln- Istanbul University Anatomy ENT Cadaveric Disseccion 2011
Course : Regensburg Course Facial Plastic Surgery 2011
Course : Nothingam Course Advanced Facial Plastic Surgery 2012
Observer : Quatela plastic surgery clinic NY Rochester USA 2012
Quatela plastic surgery clinic NY Rochester USA 2013
Diplomate of the International Board for Certification in Facial Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery. As a Diplomate, IBCFPRS certificate,2013
Invited Speaches, panels
G1- “Rhinoplasty,” Konya Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Society Meeting, , Konya 2010
G2- ““Rhinoplasty in Perspective of ENT and Plastic surgery,” Konya
Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Society Meeting, Konya 2010
G3- “Transsfenoidal nasal way to pituatary gland surgery of acromegaly 21
marc 2008 Ankara
G4- “Turbinate Disease,” Turkish Rhinologic Society ,” 6. Meeting Antalya,-19
23 May 2010.
G5- “Basic Analgesic and Antienflamatuar therapy in Rhinolgy,” Turkish
Rhinologic Society ,” 6. Meeting Antalya, 23-19 May 2010.
G6- Pediatrric otolaryngology days 2008 Taksim İstanbul 20.Akademik Hafta
advantage and dezadvantage of adenoidectomy.
G7- Istanbul univercity Cerrahpaşa alumni Rhinoplasty tip plasty technique
4-2 may 2012
G8- Çocukluk DönemiKBB sorunlarına güncel yaklaşım Adenotonsillectomy
endication 13 april 2013
G9- İstanbul kbb uzmanları Kongresi Girne 2012 Malpraktice in ENT
G10- İstanbul kbb uzmanları Kongresi Girne 2012 Larenx cancer .
G11- Aging in the oral cavity and face National ENT congress Antalya 2013
G12- Türk Yüz Plastik Cerrahi Kongresi İstanbul Ortognatik Cerrahi
(Ortognathic surgery) 2019
1: Paranasal Region in Migraine. J Craniofac Surg. 2019 Sep;(6)30:e529-e532.
doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000005480. PMID: 30939555.
2: Ata N, Tezer MS, Koç E, Övet G, Erdur Ö. Large Frontoorbital Osteoma
Causing Ptosis. J Craniofac Surg. 2017 Jan;(1)28:e17-e18. doi:
10.1097/SCS.0000000000003164. PMID: 27831979.
4: Bucioğlu H, Elvan Ö, Esen K, Temel G, Öksüz N, Yilmaz GG, Özcan C, Tezer
MS. Radiologic Evaluation of Exiting Points of Supraorbital Region
Neurovascular Bundles in Patients With Migraine. J Craniofac Surg. 2019
Oct;2201-2198:(7)30. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000005751. PMID: 31306381.
5: Elvan Ö, Gilan Y, Beger O, Bobuş A, Tezer M, Aktekin M. Relations of Facial
Nerve With Retromandibular Vein in Human Fetuses. J Craniofac Surg. 2017
Jun;1098-1096:(4)28. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000003415. PMID:
6: Erdoğan O, Ismi O, Tezer MS. A Rare Cause of Headache: Pneumatized
Nasal Septum Osteoma. J Craniofac Surg. 2017 Nov;(8)28:e745-e747. doi:
10.1097/SCS.0000000000003895. PMID: 28953140.
7: Tezer MS, Ozcan M, Han O, Unal A, Ozlugedik S. Schwannoma originating
from the infraorbital nerve: a case report. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2006
Sep;5-343:(3)33. doi: 10.1016/j.anl.2005.11.015. Epub 2006 Jan 18. PMID:
8: Elvan Ö, Kara AB, Tezer MS, Aktekin M. The Relationship of the Temporal
Branch of the Facial Nerve to the Fascial Planes of Temporal Region in
Human Fetuses. J Craniofac Surg. 2017 Nov;2154-2151:(8)28. doi:
10.1097/SCS.0000000000003975. PMID: 28938322.
9: Tezer MS, Gilan İY, Elvan Ö, Özcömert VB, Aktekin M. Topographic
methods to expose the exiting points of supratrochlear, supraorbital, and
zygomaticotemporal nerves. Turk J Med Sci. 2017 Dec 1865-1861:(6)47;19.
doi: 10.3906/sag-8-1705. PMID: 29306250.
11: Unal A, Ozlugedik S, Tezer MS, Kulacoglu S, Ozcan M. An atypical
esthesioneuroblastoma of the inferior nasal cavity and maxillary sinus: report
of a case. Tumori. 2006 Sep-Oct;3-440:(5)92. PMID: 17168440.
12: Ozlugedik S, Ozcan M, Unal A, Yalcin F, Tezer MS. Surgical importance of
highly located innominate artery in neck surgery. Am J Otolaryngol. 2005
SepOct;2-330:(5)26. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2005.01.016. PMID: 16137532.
13: Ozlugedik S, Ozcan M, Unal T, Unal A, Tezer MS, Seckin S. Cervical
sympathetic chain schwannoma: two different clinical presentations. Tumori.
2007 May-Jun;7-305:(3)93. PMID: 17679471.
14: Tezer MS, Tuncel U, Uzlugedik S, Uzun M, Kulaçoğlu S, Unal A.
Coexistence of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma and non-Hodgkin's
lymphoma with nasopharyngeal involvement. J Laryngol Otol. 2006
Feb;(2)120:e2. doi: 10.1017/S0022215105000782. PMID: 16372986.
15: Tezer MS, Tahamiler R, Canakçioğlu S. Computed tomography findings in
chronic rhinosinusitis patients with and without allergy. Asian Pac J Allergy
Immunol. 2006 Jun-Sep;7-123:(3-2)24. PMID: 17136877.
16: Aydemir G, Tezer MS, Borman P, Bodur H, Unal A. Treatment of tinnitus
with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation improves patients' quality of
life. J Laryngol Otol. 2006 Jun;5-442:(6)120. doi:
10.1017/S0022215106000910. Epub 2006 Mar 24. PMID: 16556347.
17: Ural A, Tezer MS, Yücel A, Atilla H, Ileri F. Interleukin-4, interleukin-8
and E-selectin levels in intranasal polyposis patients with and without allergy:
a comparative study. J Int Med Res. 2006 Sep-Oct;4-520:(5)34. doi:
147323000603400509/10.1177. PMID: 17133781.
18: Ozlugedik S, Genc S, Unal A, Elhan AH, Tezer M, Titiz A. Can postoperative
pains following tonsillectomy be relieved by honey? A prospective,
randomized, placebo controlled preliminary study. Int J Pediatr
Otorhinolaryngol. 2006 Nov;34-1929:(11)70. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2006.07.001.
Epub 2006 Aug 17. PMID: 16914210.
19: Tezer MS, Karanfil A, Aktaş D. Association between
adenoidal-nasopharyngeal ratio and right ventricular diastolic functions in
children with adenoid hypertrophy causing upper airway obstruction. Int J
Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2005 Sep;73-1169:(9)69. doi:
10.1016/j.ijporl.2005.01.001. PMID: 15996762.
20: Yilmaz YF, Titiz A, Ozcan M, Tezer MS, Ozlugedik S, Unal A. Bilateral
antrochoanal polyps in an adult: a case report. B-ENT. 9-97:(2)3;2007. PMID:
21: Ozlugedik S, Titiz A, Yilmaz YF, Tezer MS, Tezer A, Unal A. Radiofrequency
excision of a large postcricoid mucous cyst. B-ENT. 81-79:(2)3;2007. PMID:
22: Elvan Ö, Bobuş Örs A, Tezer MS. Anatomical Evaluation of Zygomaticus
Major Muscle With Relation to Orbicularis Oculi Muscle and Parotid Duct. J
Craniofac Surg. 2020 May 19. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000006396. Epub
ahead of print. PMID: 32433125.
23: Tezer MS, Kockar MC, Koçkar O, Celik A. Laryngopharyngeal reflux
finding scores correlate with gastroesophageal reflux disease and
Helicobacter pylori expression. Acta Otolaryngol. 2006 Sep;61-958:(9)126.
doi: 00016480500529314/10.1080. PMID: 16864494.
24: Ozlugedik S, Tuncel U, Han U, Tezer MS, Unal A. Laryngeal chondroma: a
rare neck tumor in pediatric age. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2004
Dec;5-1551:(12)68. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2004.07.005. PMID: 15533570.
25: Bekci TT, Tezer M, Ata N, Emre L. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
induced by laryngeal lesions: two cases. Ear Nose Throat J. 2012
Nov;(11)91:E3-1. PMID:
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