Mireia Ruiz Castilla
years of experience

Mireia Ruiz Castilla

  • Specialization: Plastic surgeon
  • 15 years of experience
  • Speaks:
    English, Spanish, French
  • Online consultations: available
  • Workplace: Spain, Barcelona, Hospital Quiron Barcelona
  • Ranked among the top 5 plastic surgeons in Spain by Forbes in 2018, 2019 and 2020. Ranked among the top 5 female doctors in Spain by Vanitatis – El Confidencial in 2021. Contributor to the radio program "En Bones Mans" on Onda Cero Radio. Ranked among the best reviewers of Burns Journal in 2017. Special mention at the Innovation Competition of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, 2014.

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Надежда Sergiyenko • Ovarian cancer
Jun 11, 2019
Verified review.
The format is quite simple, everything is accessible and understandable, the doctor is very qualified. I will not say that we talked about clinical studies, there was no definitive information. We are happy, time has been spent, the translator also translated everything correctly. The doctor explained everything popularly, we received an answer to all the questions we asked. I believe that what you are doing is very important and useful for people who need help.
Anonymous • Consultation with an orthopedist (traumatologist)
Dec 19, 2019
Verified review.
"The results exceeded my expectations
I really liked the specialist himself, a very good-natured man without pathos, n
About Bookimed service
Everything is quite good, they helped when the flight was cancelled. They also helped with the hostel.
Надежда Sergiyenko • Ovarian cancer
Jun 11, 2019
Verified review.
Fatima • Knee replacement
May 15, 2019
Verified review.
Anonymous • Consultation with an orthopedist (traumatologist)
Dec 19, 2019
Verified review.
About Bookimed service
Everything is good enough, they helped when the flight was canceled. Helped with the hostel.
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Dr. Ruiz Castilla is a prestigious specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, ranked among the top 5 plastic surgeons in Spain by Forbes magazine in 2018, 2019 and 2020. She has more than 15 years of experience in the profession and extensive training in various specialties. In this sense, he has extensive experience in the medical and surgical treatment of breast pathology, skin oncology, burns, facial fractures, hand surgery and skin changes, using both traditional and microsurgical techniques.

She is currently Head of the Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Service at the Quironsalud Hospital of Barcelona and Head of the Plastic Surgery Service at the Dexeus University Hospital since November 2021.

Throughout his career, he has combined public health work with teaching, and has also carried out important outreach and research work. She has authored and co-authored numerous scientific articles and publications, and is a regular speaker at specialized conferences. She is also involved as an investigator in several lines of research in the field of monitoring and using new treatments for burn patients.

Dr. Ruiz has practiced in prestigious national and international centers and currently directs her own Institute of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Institut Ruiz Castilla.

Professional experience

1998–2004: Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the Autonomous University of Barcelona

2005–2010: Specialized residency in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery

2009-2010: Master's degree entitled "Expert in Microsurgical Techniques. XII Theoretical and Practical Course in Microsurgical Techniques". Hand and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Department, Sabadell Hospital. (Director: Dr. J. Ramon Solé)

2018 PhD in Surgery - Autonomous University of Barcelona: "The role of the IL33/ST2 axis in burn patients", unanimously awarded Summa Cum Laude.

2018 Robotic Surgery Course at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lorraine, France.

Professional career

2016 – present: Head of Service, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Quirónsalud Barcelona Hospital

2010 – 2018 Specialist in the Plastic, Reconstructive and Burns Surgery Service at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital.

2013 – 2017 Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Center, Mataró.

Extensive experience in medical and surgical treatment of breast pathology, skin oncology, burns, facial fractures, hand surgery and altered skin using both traditional and microsurgical methods.

Participation in the world's first total face transplant.

Participation in the second face transplant at the Vall d'Hebron Hospital.

Membership in scientific societies

Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Member of the Catalan Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

Founding member of the Women's Organization of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of Spain (WOPRASS).

Research and Teaching

Teaching Assistant for the Plastic Surgery Course at the Faculty of Medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Teaching Unit: Vall d'Hebron)

Lecturer in the course on comprehensive care of burn patients, part of the postgraduate course entitled "Nursing care for people with burns", University Hospital Vall d'Hebron

Lecturer in the course on comprehensive treatment of burn patients (Josep Trueta University Hospital) 2010

Organiser of the International Conference on Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, London, 11-12 March.

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