Op Dr Mehmet Palali
years of experience

Op Dr Mehmet Palali

  • Specialization: ENT doctor
  • 12 years of experience
  • Speaks:
  • Online consultations: available
  • He is credit to Top 10 ENT doctor in Istanbul,Turkey. His Rhinoplasty results are outstanding.

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Anonymous • Hair transplant
Sep 5, 2022
Verified review.
I was not warned that the test for hepatitis C and HIV should be taken in advance. The clinic does not check PCR, they only do a test. And if there are antibodies to hepatitis cured, you are considered contagious in them, which means that this is a different price and other doctors. I did not get what I expected for the price and did not receive the staff I expected either.
About Bookimed service
Dear people! But the most important thing was not to warn about the tests. And it cost me a lot of money.
Magomed • Hair transplant
Apr 4, 2022
Verified review.
"I recommend this clinic to everyone, you will not regret it
I had a hair transplant at the EsteCapelli clinic in Istanbul. I have no regrets about choosing this clinic. Everything was at the highest level: friendly staff, punctual driver, competent doctors, modern equipment. I was satisfied with both the price and the quality. I recommend this clinic to everyone, you will not regret it.
About Bookimed service
I had a hair transplant at the EsteCapelli clinic in Istanbul. I did not regret that I went to this clinic. Everything was at the highest level: friendly staff, punctual driver, competent doctors, modern equipment. I was satisfied with both the price and quality. I recommend this clinic to everyone, you won’t regret it.
Anonymous • Afro hair transplant
United Kingdom
Jul 20, 2022
Verified review.
The results were better than expected
Very good service throughout, everything seemed organised and planned and I was never unsure of what was happening.
About Bookimed service
David • Hair transplant
Mar 9, 2022
Verified review.
The experience was so much better than I expected
The medical team was very professional and provided thorough a explanation of the process.
About Bookimed service
Yes I am satisfied!


Name: Mehmet Palali


Place and year of birth:

Manisa, 11.01.1984


Istanbul university Cerrahpasa Medicine Faculty 2001-2007 

Specialization: Ankara Numene Science and Research Hospital – ENT clinic – 2008-2013



Yozgat State Hospital: 2013-2016

Canakkale Biga Devlet Hospital : 2016-2017

Medlife Bagcilar Hospital -2017-2018

Erdem Hospital- 2018- present



Professional Interests


Revision rhinoplasty


Clinic Attended as a Researcher 

 1) Investigation of SCGB3A1 (UGRP2) gene arrays in patients with nasal polyposis. 

Palalı M, Murat Özcan K, Ozdaş S, Köseoğlu S, Ozdaş T, Erbek SS, Yıldırım E, Ensari S, Dere H. 

Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Dec;271(12):3209-14. 

2) Prognostic effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy starting time for sudden sensorineural hearing loss. 

Yıldırım E, Murat Özcan K, Palalı M, Cetin MA, Ensari S, Dere H. 

Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Jan;272(1):23-8. 

3) Endoskopik Dakriyosistorinostomide Başarısızlık Nedenleri 

Mehmet Ali ÇETİN, Kürşat Murat ÖZCAN, Aykut İKİNCİOĞULLARI, Sabri KÖSEOĞLU, Mehmet PALALI, Serdar ENSARİ, Hüseyin DERE 

Ortadoğu Tıp Dergisi 5 (1): 29-32 2013 

4) Cervical lymphadenopathy: progressive transformation of germinal centers 

İkincioğulları A, Köseoğlu S, Çetin MA, Palalı M, Ensari S, Kayaçetin S, Kulaçoğlu S, Dere H. 

Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2013 Sep-Oct;23(5):307-11. 

5) Papiller Onkositik Kistadenom: Olgu Sunumu Mehmet Palalı, Aykut İkincioğulları, Sabri Köseoğlu, Doğan Atan, Erol Yıldırım, Hüseyin Dere 

34. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi P-377 

6) Temporal Kemik Karsinomu İle Birlikte İnverted Papillom Zemininde Gelişen İntranazal Karsinom: Olgu Sunumu 

35. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi PS3-073 

Hüseyin Dere, Mehmet Ali Çetin, Emre Apaydın, Erol Yıldırım, Mehmet Palalı, Aykut İkincioğulları 

7) Burun Tıkanıklığının Nadir Bir Nedeni: Alt Konka Bülloza 

Hakan Dağıstan, Mehmet Palalı 

37. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi EP-124





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