Wutthiwat Anupansawang
years of experience

Wutthiwat Anupansawang

  • Specialization: General surgeon
  • 21 years of experience
  • Speaks:
  • Workplace: Thailand, Bangkok, Rattinan Clinic

Explore package deals with Dr. Wutthiwat Anupansawang

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Premium Liposuction Scarless Technique Package in Bangkok Thailand

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Stem cell therapy

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The package includes a standard range of medical services offered by the clinic and additional benefits like accommodation, transfer, etc.

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Board Certifications

  • M.D., Mahidol University, Siriraj Hospital (2004)
  • Certificate of General Surgery Training Program, Metropolitan Group Hospitals, Chicago (2008)
  • Certificate of General Surgery Training Program, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland (2009)
  • Diploma Thai Board of General Surgery, Siriraj Hospital (2012)
  • Certificate of the International Visiting Scholars Training Program Completion at the Department of Surgery, ASAN Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
  • Certificate of Completion in Body Liposculpturing Surgery, Seoul, Korea.
  • Certificate of Completion in Rhinoplasty, Blephaloplasty, Breast Augmentation, Hair Transplant Surgery, Seoul, Korea

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