About Bookimed service
And so I would like to share my experience with people who would like to use the services of this service. And also the services of 2 “Specialists” Inga and Lydia. Let me start with the fact that I contacted the service with the problem of undifferentiated arthritis. Previously, in my country of residence, I underwent more than extensive laboratory blood tests for the rheumatological factor of my disease. Given that any rheumatological examinations were negative. I turned to Bookimed in order to undergo additional examination, establish a diagnosis and receive adequate medical therapy. In my naivety, I assumed that when a patient has lameness due to necrosis of the 2 heads of the hip joint. And a painful syndrome that causes more than unpleasant sensations both when walking and at rest. Can count AT LEAST on RECOMMENDATIONS on this issue - I was extremely mistaken. Also, in my naivety, I assumed that if all the results of rheumatological examinations were negative. And negative for 2 years, then perhaps medical specialists will take probable steps in the other direction to establish the cause of the disease. But alas, upon arrival and during my first consultation with a doctor in Hamburg, I heard that most likely my problem was rheumatism or its analogues. After which I once again passed the extensive rheumatology panel. And I got an extremely “unexpected” result. The results of examinations for rheumatological factor were again negative. Next, I informed the coordinator Lydia about my medical history since 2013. After which I reported that I had recommendations from a pulmonologist to undergo an annual examination for changes in the lungs. I don’t know for what reason, but it was my lungs that interested both my coordinator and the doctor in Haburg. As a result, I received assurance that my lungs were in perfect order and there was no reason for an annual CT examination. Departing from the generally negative style of my narrative, I express my gratitude for this recommendation. And I really hope that I can trust her. Returning to the main topic. The doctor reviewed the results of examinations of the lungs, and in great detail, I would say more detailed than with the results of examinations of my joints. Namely, an MRI - a study of the hip joints - which came to the radiologist in the last days before leaving. This fact extremely confused me. I come with a joint problem. But the main slope, oddly enough, is absolutely not on the joints. As I wrote above, the results of the MRI of the hip joints reached the doctor a few days before my departure. After examination, MRI examination of the joints. I was informed that most likely the necrotic changes were caused by taking hormonal drugs that relieve the symptoms of arthritis. Due to the fact that my blood tests did not reveal rheumatological problems or signs of an inflammatory process in the blood. They gave me a verdict - you are healthy, all the best. Like any person, I was extremely happy about this conclusion. But bad luck, the joints of my hands were also swollen in the morning, which I informed the local coordinator Lydia about. Well, the signs of necrotic changes made themselves felt by extremely unpleasant physical sensations when walking. But according to the oral conclusion of the local coordinator Lydia, the whole problem was that the doctors at the place of residence A) Prescribed drugs that led to necrotic changes B) I simply pay too much attention to my symptoms C) Almost verbatim “You are healthy, live a normal life” You know, I was I would be glad to follow your recommendations. And I certainly didn’t contact Bookimed for the purpose of “tourism” during quarantine. Now a few words about the bookimed coordinator Inga, who, as far as I understand, is my direct coordinator in the country of residence. Initially, Inga made an extremely pleasant impression on me and immediately offered several options for examination. I would like to emphasize that before my arrival in Germany there were no problems contacting Inga. But alas, as soon as I found myself in Germany the situation changed, not for the better. After coordinator Lydia’s verdict about my infallible health, I obviously turned to Inga with the question of whether another problem could be causing joint problems, well, if we assume that it is not a rheumatological problem. Well, accordingly, I began to wait for an answer. And here something began that left an extremely negative impression about the work of Bookimed in principle. Coordinator Inga, receiving my messages due to personal busyness or any other problems of hers, simply does not respond to them for several days in a row. The only thing that provoked her to respond on the day of contact was when I immediately wrote to the Bookimed chatbot. After which my messages were heard. After my return to my country of residence. The convictions of Coordinator Lydia had the desired effect on me. I refused any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and as a result A) Symptoms of inflammation of the joints worsened B) My right hand has lost sensitivity in 3 fingers C) From time to time it is difficult for me to move due to increased discomfort from necrosis When I left, the coordinator Lydia said to just do an MRI examination brushes to see if there are any changes at all. Accordingly, I contacted the coordinator in my country of residence in order to receive a referral. It took me an extremely long time to receive the referral. After the next promises “today or tomorrow” and when after the fact more than 2-3 days have passed. I wrote again to the bookimed chatbot and to Inge personally and finally received a referral. Due to difficulties with passing examinations during the quarantine period. The examination took more than 2 weeks due to the wait for my turn. After passing, I wrote to Inge on New Year's Eve saying that after the holidays I would like to begin to find out the cause of my arthritis, and with the question of what to do with necrosis and, as it turned out, with synovitis and tenosynovitis of the wrist joint. To which I received an answer - that Inga is on vacation and I will receive my answer immediately on January 4, 2021. I was expecting both on the 4th and today on the 5th. As a result, I did not receive an answer or any proposals to solve the problem. I sat down to write this review. I consider this attitude towards clients who, according to your organization, did not receive either a solution to the problem or a diagnosis for which they were going, but at the same time received a worsening of symptoms and general condition - at the very least, extremely unprofessional. Perhaps this review will help you organize future trips for your clients at a more decent level. I would just like to receive adequate consultation and check-up not only for rheumatological problems, but also possibly for other reasons that can cause arthritis. As well as recommendations on how, if possible, to stop the progression of the process.