Dr. is a General Surgery Specialist with experience in hernia, obesity and breast health. They have a Turkish National Board Certificate and have attained a Two-Year Associate Degree in Health Institutions Management. They have also been a part of various professional associations.
Transfer airport-hotel-clinic-airport
Check up examination (general examination and investigation)Dental examinationOphtalmology examinationCardiology examinationOtorhinolaryngology examinationUrology examinationChest Disease examinationRadiological TestAbdomen U.S (Whole)PA Chest X-RayECG - ElectrocardiogramECHO - EchocardiographyEFFORT - Cardiac Stress testPanoramic FilmThyroid U.SRespiratory function test blood TestsHBsAg (ELISA)Anti HBs (ELISA)Anti-HCV (ELISA)Anti-HIV (ELISA)Bilirubin (total, direct)CRP c-reactive proteinFolateGlycated Hemoglobin (Hb A1C)GlucoseSodium (Na)Potassium (K)Calcium (Ca)Whole Blood (CBC)SedimentationProstate Specific Antigen (PSA)Uric acid vitamin B12TSHFree T425-Hydroxy Vitamin DSearching for fecal occult blood (manual)Magnesium (Mg)Iron (Fe)Total İron-binding capasityFerritinLiver Function TestAlanine amino Transferase (ALT)Aspartate amino Transferase (AST)Blood LipidsCholesterolHDL CholesterolLDL ColesterolTriglyceridesKidney Function TestCreatinineBlood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)Urinalysis (Urine biochemistry and microscopy of full automatic)Tumor MarkersAlfa-fetoprotein (AFP)CA-19-9Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
Personal medical coordinator
Medical travel arrangements — booking of air tickets and hotel rooms at special partner prices
Patient advocacy during medical travel
Each basic health check-up package involves:
Basic health check-up packages may vary in different medical centers. The basic examination program can be supplemented with some additional tests.
Basic health screening packages are developed for healthy people. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends undergoing a basic check-up program once a year for:
Asian (India, Thailand) and Eastern countries (Turkey, the UAE) provide the cheapest basic health check-up packages. The cost of the body examination in these states is 2-3 times lower than in European countries, the USA, or Israel due to the average price policy and a living wage.
However, it's possible to find affordable basic health screening packages in European countries such as Lithuania or Poland. Concerning the local citizens' income in these states, the price of basic health check-up packages is 2 times lower than in Germany, Spain or Italy.