Dr. İlknur,Karakuş Şeyma,Gültekin Serap,Özçınar Beyza,Özmen Vahit,İğci Abdullah,Müslümanoğlu Mahmut Ebudeccane,Dinçcag Sait Ahmet The 18th SIS World Congress on Breast Healthcare September 16-19,2014 Orlando,USA 3- Axillary Lymph Node Ratio Is An Independent Prognostic Factor In Breast Cancer Üçüncü Muhammed Zübeyr,Karakuş Şeyma,Tükenmez Mustafa,Kaya Serdar,Yüksel Sercan,Özmen Vahit,Müslümanoğlu Mahmut Ebudeccane,Dinççag Ahmet Sait,İğci Abdullah,Özçınar Beyza,Cabıoğlu Neslihan The 18th SIS World Congress on Breast Healthcare September 16-19,2014 Orlando,USA Dr. Muhammed ZübeyrThird is a specialist in General Surgery and Associate Professor of Surgery, with a degree from Istanbul University Istanbul Medicine Faculty. Dr. Third has extensive experience in the treatment of acute biliary pancreatitis, endoscopy, trauma and emergency surgery, obesity, and breast health. He has published several articles in medical journals and has presented at international conferences.