Treatment of uterine cancer in Israel
Uterine cancer is one of the most serious oncological diseases of the female reproductive system. It ranks the fourth most common cancer of the women’s oncological diseases. Tumor affects the body of uterus and can have two main forms, depending on its origin:
adenocarcinoma that develops from the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity;
sarcoma that develops from the connective tissue of the myometrium.
These forms of uterine cancer are much different from each other in symptoms and treatment. Adenocarcinoma takes about 98% of cases of uterine cancer, while sarcoma is very rare disease.
Cancer of the uterus is more common for older women. According to statistics, it has been diagnosed:
10% of women in the age of 40;
15% of women during menopause (40-50 years of age);
75% of postmenopausal women (50 years of age).
Over the last years this type of tumor has been tending to become “younger”.
Only in Israel:
Positron emission tomography in the diagnostics of uterine cancer
Organ preservation surgery
The accuracy of diagnostics of the uterine cancer is more than 90%.
The probability of recovery at the early stages of cancer of uterine is more than 85%.
Causes of development and risk factors
The causes of uterine cancer has not been clarified yet. Its occurrence is connected to a range of factors, first of all, with a high content of female sex hormones, estrogens. The following peculiarities of woman's sex life may have some impact on it:
early menarche;
the absence of pregnancy and childbirth;
late menopause.
Increased estrogen level can also be caused by prolonged use of hormonal drugs containing the hormones excluding progesterone.
In addition, the probability of uterine cancer is increased by the following factors:
high content of animal fat in the diet;
o diabetes;
o syndrome Stein-Levinthal;
o polycystic ovary syndrome;
the effect of radiation.
Pre-malignant condition includes the proliferation of uterine epithelium, erosion and chronic inflammatory processes.
Symptoms of uterine cancer
One of the peculiarities of cervical cancer is its asymptomatic early stage. The development of the tumor can go at full drive, not manifesting itself. Specific symptoms appear at the later stages at tumor destruction. They include:
Menstrual disorder.
Pain and not typical vaginal discharges, hydrous ае the earlier stages, could contain some blood. In the process of the tumor destruction they become putrefactive and malodorous.
Difficulty in passing urine, sometimes painful.
Pain during defecation and sexual intercourse.
Girdle pain.
Weight loss.
These symptoms indicate the transition of the disease into its final stage and require immediate medical intervention. At this stage, the development of tumors can be stopped only by experienced and highly qualified specialists, such as doctors of leading clinics of Israel.
Diagnostics of uterine cancer in Israel
The first step of diagnostics of uterine cancer by Israeli doctors include the following procedures:
Bimanual abdominovaginal examination that is palpation of the uterus through the vagina. This procedure is usually assisted by bloody discharges due to tumor damage.
Bimanual rectal examination that is palpation through the rectum to determine if the tumor removed to the pelvic wall.
Uterus examination by means of mirrors.
The second step includes the following examinations:
o complete blood count to assess the health of the patient;
o blood tests for tumor markers. Determining the level of a specific tumor marker CA-125, indicating the development of uterine cancer;
o blood test for hormones.
Hysteroscopy. Examination of the inner surface of the uterus by a special optical instrument, hysteroscope.
Positron emission computed tomography. This is a new method that allows to accurately determine the tumor of the uterus and its size, even at the early stages of its development.
Pelvic ultrasound. Examination of neighboring to the uterine organs on the penetration of the tumor into them by means of ultrasound.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). These methods give the opportunity to obtain an image of the tumor of the uterus and other pelvic organs if metastasizing.
The third step of diagnostics includes a biopsy – an examination of the uterus cells collected by scraping (curettage).
Based on the data obtained by the examinations, Israeli doctors accurately diagnose uterine cancer and its stage and dynamics of development.
Methods of treatment of uterine cancer in Israel
The program of uterine cancer treatment in Israel is based on the stage of the disease.
At the first stage of the disease only surgical treatment is applied. The body of the uterus is removed along with the tumor by means of modern surgical methods:
Laparoscopic hysterectomy is the removal of the organ through small openings with the help of the laparoscope;
Robotized hysterectomy is the removal by laparoscopy using surgical robot;
Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy is the removal through the vagina using a laparoscope.
During the surgery, the Israeli doctors are making every effort to preserve the health of the female reproductive system.
At the second stage of uterine cancer, after its removal, the teleirradiation and intracavitary gamma-therapy are applied, the last one is the introduction of radioactive substances into the affected area to its local exposure.
At the last stages of cancer methods of preoperative irradiation of the tumor and chemotherapy, the administration of a highly toxic agents to kill cancer cells, are actively used.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Removal of the uterus (laparoscopic, robotized)
Removal of the uterus and ovaries. Radiation therapy (teleirradiation and gamma-therapy)
Stage 3
Stage 4
Preoperative irradiation. Removal of the uterus, ovaries and vagina. Chemotherapy
Preoperative irradiation. Removal of the uterus, ovaries and vagina. Chemotherapy. Palliative therapy
Patient review on the treatment of uterine cancer in Israel
“After the diagnosis of uterine cancer I was waiting no one knows what for a long time. Finally, I durst and flew to Israel for surgery. The doctors removed the uterus and lymph nodes. Treatment in Israel is interesting and unusual. There are a lot of things that are non-existent in Russia. For example, my husband stayed overnight next to me, sleeping in a special chair, he was also fed for free. My brother visited me when he wanted to, as there was no time limit for visiting except night hours. No one was forcing to wear shoe covers and bathrobes.You just go through the frame at the reception and that’s all.
I stayed four days in the clinic after the surgery, and eight days in the hotel. The medical stuff was very nice and friendly, the doctors were the true wizards!
Recently, I have been completely rechecked and no metastases were found. I hope this spell of bad luck is over now"!
Alexandra, Perm
Rehabilitation and prevention of recurrence in Israel
Israeli doctors are closely monitoring the patient's health even after the end of treatment. The patient takes regular examinations:
the first year after treatment – every 3 months;
1 - 5 years after treatment – every six months;
5 or more years after treatment – every year.
Examinations usually include:
Intravenous urography to monitor kidney function.
Chest X-ray.
Rehabilitation in Israel pays much attention to the psychological support of female patients. Regular training with the expert help to overcome the psychological trauma that often follows after surgery, returning the women to their regular life.
Compliance with all the recommendations of the attending doctors of the leading clinics of Israel is the best prevention of recurrence of such serious diseases as cancer of the uterus.
Сost of treatment of uterine cancer in Israel
The cost of treatment in Israel depends on the occurrence of the disease, its stage, and individual characteristics of the patients. You can obtain more information from the specialists of the Bookimed company.