Kidney cancer (kidney carcinoma) is a malignant tumor that occurs in organ cells. Male patients aged from 50 to 70 are subjects at higher risk of kidney cancer development.
Tumor affects one, much less often - both kidneys. 50% patients have renal cell cancer. In all other cases, malignant tumor develops in ureter, kidney pelvis. Kidney sarcoma is diagnosed in less than 10% patients.
Tumor cells develop in retroperitoneal space that шы poorly palpable. Early stages of the disease are asymptomatic. Tumor is often detected during scheduled ultrasound when it already has large size.
Typical symptoms of kidney cancer:
blood in urine (hematuria);
severe lumbar pain;
abdominal induration palpable during examination;
increased temperature and blood pressure;
Kidney ultrasound is the most available method but it does not provide an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, kidney cancer diagnostics should include a set of procedures:
- Ultrasound of abdominal cavity and urinary system – defines changing of the shape, size of kidney and tumor location;
- expanded blood laboratory tests (including oncomarkers) and urinalysis;
- computed tomography (CT) with contrast – “golden standard” of kidney cancer diagnostics. It shows precise location, size of the tumor, depth of its growth into an organ and stages the diseases. CT also enables determining of metastases;
- MRI is rarely applied for kidney carcinoma. It is used when CT is contraindicated;
- biopsy – standard examination for cancer diagnosis. For kidney cancer biopsy is not always informative. Therefore, it is performed only upon doctor’s recommendation;
- renal angiography, X-ray study and bone scanning – X-rays examinations aiming at determine metastases in lungs, bone tissue. It is carried out when CT with contrast is absent.
Stage 1
At the early stage of kidney cancer a tumor sizes not more than 7 cm. It is located in the kidney and does not spreads into surrounding organs, tissues. Stage 1 is poorly diagnosed and has no specific symptoms.
Stage 1 kidney cancer treatment
Survival rate. Rehabilitation
- Tumor removal with kidney preservation.
- Radical nephrectomy – complete kidney removal. It can be performed in three ways: abdominal operation, laparoscopic or Da Vinci robotic-assisted surgery.
81 — 90 %
After the treatment patients return to normal life with some restrictions concerning their diet and physical activities.
Examination of nephrologist/urologist is required every 6 months during 2 years after the surgery, than - once per year.
Stage 2
Stage 2 kidney cancer spreads into adrenals or pararenal fat. The tumor sizes over 7 cm but is located only in renal area. There is no metastases.
Stage 2 kidney cancer treatment
Survival rate. Rehabilitation
Removal of the kidney with adherent fatty tissue, sometimes with adrenals, adjusting vessels, lymph nodes.
74 %
После лечения пациент возвращается к повседневной жизни, соблюдая диету, режим.
20 % patients have a risk of metastasizing therefore they have to undergo diagnostics each 3 - 6 months, than — every year during 5 years.
Stage 3
At stage 3 kidney cancer tumor starts to spread into lymph nodes. There is no distant metastases. Cancer can spread into renal vein or vena cava thus causing complications.
Stage 3 kidney cancer treatment
Survival rate. Rehabilitation
Removal of the kidney with adherent fatty tissue, sometimes with adrenals, adjusting vessels, lymph nodes.
40 – 65 %
Regular examination – every 3 months during 3 years after the surgery. Than – one time per year.
Stage 4
Stage 4 kidney cancer is difficult to treat. It has multiple distant metastases, tumor expands quickly and aggressively.
Stage 4 kidney cancer treatment
Survival rate. Rehabilitation
- Radical nephrectomy + surgical metastasectomy – removal of kidney and tumors in other organs.
- Target and/or immune therapy
- Chemotherapy
10 % – 14%
Treatment significantly prolongs patient’s life, increases its quality. Palliative treatment is applied for pains relieve.