Medical complex "Assaf Harofeh" is the multidisciplinary medical facility, one of the largest in Israel. There is also a well-known center in the field of infertility treatment and obstetrics. Bookimed provides for you opportunity of treatment without intermediaries in this medical center. This clinic is characterized by a high professionalism of employees. Patients of the center get here a quality health care, good attitude and full support.
Prof. Eitan Scapa - Leading gastroenterologist of Israel, a specialist in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and liver. Head of the Gastroenterology and Liver tretment department at the Asaf-a-Rofe Medical Center.
Education and clinical experience:
Membership in professional associations:
Professor Scapa is the author of many scientific publications and techniques, including the world famous was the so-called "video tablet" - a miniature video camera, is swallowed by the patient and allows to record images of the digestive tract.
Prof. David Hen is one of the best Phlebologists in Israel, headed by Institute of Research of diseases of the blood vessels in the Assaf Harofeh Medical Center.
Arie Lindner is a Head of the Urology Department, "Assaf Harofeh" Medical Center. He performs complex operations on kidney, prostate and bladder. Diagnosis and treatment of prostate adenoma - including laser.
Written by Kateryna Zamkovska
Written by Kateryna Zamkovska