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Breast augmentation 3200 (Silicone up to 400 cc) Breast augmentation surgery, also known as breast enlargement is a procedure to increase the volume and size of the breasts. The goal of this operation is to increase the fullness and projection of your breasts, improve the proportion of your figure, enhance your self-image and self-confidence. Small breasts either result from a developmental tendency or from involution of breast tissue (shrinkage) following pregnancy. Both types of small breasts can be enhanced with breast augmentation as well.This price is include operating room, recovery room or standard inpatient room, nursing service, package food, medicine, medical equipment, medical supply which require for the specific operation ,Home medication , consultation fee , surgeon team and anesthesiologist team , garment and follow check up . the cost is not included hotel fee (mostly 20-30 usd per night 2-3 star hotel )Serious warning;1. Do not take aspirin or anti-inflammatory around 7 days before surgery.2. If you smoke, stop or reduce it at least 2 weeks pre-op (and anticipate no smoking for the recovery, smoking greatly increases your risk)Please beware to prepare your full payment before surgery.Adding ;Tear drop shap is added 1,500 usd more .add 500 usd to the initial price for each additional 100 cc.In the case you had implant before, you must pay extra 500 usdIf you need breast lift, adding 1,500 usdFirst day ; for pre-surgery appointment , full payment and check up eg blood check, chest x rays and EKG , and surgery next day .(I work mon-sat). Daycare Surgery is the modern type of surgery wherein the patient usually undergoes surgery in the morning and can be discharged on the same day in less than 24 hours. if not, I will keep you one night without cost. I need you to stay in Bangkok for 7 days (recovery time).
Dr. Pichet Rodchareon, MD is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in sex reassignment surgery, male to female (MTF) surgery, and female to male (FTM) surgery. He has successfully performed over 3,000 aesthetic surgical procedures and is known for providing superior aesthetic and functional results.
You make your payment directly at the clinic or to their official bank account.
Some clinics may require a deposit as a part of their policy.
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Bookimed directly cooperates with over 300 clinics located worldwide, so we know the pros and cons of every country and clinic for breast augmentation. Due to this, Bookimed managers have ranked 5 best countries for breast implants.
The flight tickets may cost a lot from some states. Not every South Korean clinic offers package prices.Pros
To choose the best country for breast augmentation, take into account such factors:
When a patient chooses the best clinic for breast augmentation, it is necessary to take into account such factors:
The breast augmentation is performed abroad in the following ways:
Breast augmentation with implants
Access types:
Types of implants:
If a woman plans pregnancy, a doctor places an implant under a muscle of the mammary gland. For a woman who is not going to breastfeed, a plastic surgeon places the implant under the mammary gland. Breast augmentation with implants has long-term effect, but the recovery takes more time than in the case of non-surgical enlargement.
Lipofilling (lipografting) is a breast enlargement with the patient's own fat. Plastic surgeons receive the material from woman’s thighs or abdomen and inject it into the breast with a syringe. No scars remain after lipofilling. Recovery is faster than after breast augmentation with implants. However, the duration of the effect is up to 3 years, and then lipofilling must be repeated.
Only a doctor can decide which breast augmentation type is adequate in your case.